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Contact Educational Equity and Support Programs
Address: 505 S. Main Street, Suite 249, Las Cruces, NM 88001
Phone: 575-527-6090
Title IV
The Title IV grant emphasizes three important goals. These goals provide support for children to examine the needs for improvement of:
Access to and opportunities for, a well-rounded education for all students
School conditions for student learning to create a healthy and safe school environment; and
Access to personalized learning experiences supported by technology and professional development for the effective use of data and technology
The content areas addressed by Title IV:
Prepare all students for college or and career readiness; Increase stakeholder engagement in schools; Reduce the number of students not – reading at grade leave, proficient in math, on track to graduate; Improve student behavior through systemic initiatives; Hire highly-effective teachers who meet identified district needs
Improve student behavior through systemic initiatives; Reduce percentage of students no on track for graduation; and Increase stakeholder engagement in schools
Support language acquisition for English Learners; Reduce percentage of students not reading at grade level, not proficient in math, not on track for graduation
Executive Director of Federal Programs
Tel: 15755275883
Coordinator of Psychology, Counseling & Social Work
Tel: 15755277145
Title IV Secretary
Tel: 15755277145