Educational Equity and Support Programs Menu

Employee Wellness Programs

Contact Educational Equity and Support Programs:

Amy Himelright, Director of Behavioral Health & Academic Counseling

Phone: 575-527-6090

Address: 505 S. Main Street, Suite 249, Las Cruces, NM 88001

Mental Health


Promote and enhance student academic achievement, positive behavior, resiliency and college and career readiness.

Guiding Principles of Mental Health and Academic Counseling Services

  • Are aligned with the District’s Goals and Educational Plan for Student Success – Improve Literacy, Numeracy and Student Success.

  • To reach all students through prevention, classroom guidance, advisement, teacher consultation, counseling, parent collaboration and referral.

  • Is conducted in collaboration with all stakeholders.

  • Uses data to drive program decisions and monitor student success.

  • Seeks improvement each year based on results data.

  • Shares successes with stakeholders.

Intro to Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Trauma Informed practices and Re-Engaging Students

When to Contact a School Counselor or School Social Worker?

Family members who are concerned about their child’s behavior, emotional adjustment, or peer relationships at school are encouraged to contact the school counselor or school social worker.

Families concerned about their child’s academic progress are encouraged to set up a meeting with their child’s teacher(s). Family members may request the school counselor or school social worker participate in the meeting. This may be especially important in the event that a non-academic problem or stressor might be interfering with academic progress.

School counselors and school social workers are able to give guidance to families regarding their concerns, in addition to coordinating possible classroom accommodations with teachers. Community referral information is also offered as needed. A Las Cruces community resource guide is provided below:

Community Resource Guide

Mental Health and Academic Counseling Services at All Levels

There are certified, professional school counselors and/or school social workers in every elementary, middle, and high school in the Las Cruces Public Schools. Our providers are critical partners in the delivery of a high quality education for all students and contribute significantly to the removal of barriers to learning. School counselors and school social workers partner with school staff to meet the diverse needs of our student populations, which include teaching skills that are necessary for academic success and to promote positive academic, personal, interpersonal, health, and career development for all students.

  • Provide comprehensive counseling and guidance services to all students.

  • Communicate and consult with students, staff, parents, and community members about services available through school counselor and school social worker.

  • Provide information to students and families about academic programs and opportunities.

  • Inform families about and connect them to community resources.

  • Work with students and families to support students in their transition from one school level to another.

  • Understand and support the unique needs of the diverse school population.

  • Provide services to address problems that affect student success in the school setting.

  • Support the school when there is a crisis in the school community.