Finance Menu

Contact Finance

Address: 505 S. Main Street, Suite 249, Las Cruces, NM 88001

 Phone: (575) 527-6640

Matthew Saenz
Director of Budget Analysis & Development
Phone: (575) 527-5933

Matthew Saenz

Matthew Saenz

Finance Collective Collaboration(FCC)

FCC Meeting Flyer

(FCC) and Budget Training Upcoming Zoom Meetings

We are here for any of your Finance/Purchasing/Budget/Payroll/School ERP Pro/TimeClock Plus/Travel related questions. Please email or phone Marty if you would like training in any of these areas.
(575) 527-6656

Click here for the link to the Zoom meetings.

January 31, 2024
Budget Training for Central Office Staff
Session 1 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Session 2 2:00 - 4:00 PM

Finance Sunshine Portal

Finance Logo1

Survey Monkey Image

All meetings will be held in the boardroom at 5:30 pm
Budget Town Hall Meetings

Audited Financial Statements

Quarterly Reports


Previous Fiscal Years

Current Fiscal Years

Next Fiscal Years

Coming Soon
