Public Safety Menu

Contact Public Safety

Address: 505 S Main St Ste 357

Phone: (575) 527-5968

Report a Concern or Threat

Anonymously report safety or security concerns, threats against students, staff or facilities and safety concerns about LCPS facilities.

In the event of an emergency, please dial 911 or call the regional dispatch non-emergency number: 575-526-0795.

For concerns about LCPS students or staff members, please contact: Community Relations Office at (575) 527-5801.

Anonymously report safety or security concerns, threats against students, staff or facilities and safety concerns about LCPS facilities using the STOPit app. Download at or use the QR code below.

STOPit Solutions.  Make a difference with the STOPit app.  Empower yourself and others by reporting incidents and fostering a positive atmosphere.  Use the QR code or download at When the download is complete, search for your school district in the directory.