Athletics Menu
Contact Athletics
Address: 505 S. Main Street, Ste. 249, Las Cruces, NM 88001
Phone: (575) 527-5812
Parent Behavior Policies
Important Notice:

NMAA SPORTSMANSHIP BYLAW (click here to see full release)
Per NMAA regulation 7.7.4, a school is responsible for the conduct of its team, coaches, students, and fans at any interscholastic event in which the school is participating. The Executive Director may invoke penalties upon a member school for actions, which violate the principles of “Compete with Class.” These actions include, but are not limited to, hindering the normal progress of an event, creating situations that may lead to the restriction or discontinuance of interscholastic competition, or endangering or threatening the personal safety of any individuals involved. Unsportsmanlike conduct by coaches, students, and/or spectators may cause the school or individual to be placed on probation or suspension for 180 school days/365 calendar days.
For more information, visit: